Refund now, check later SDLT claims

HMRC has changed its policy with the intention of speeding up refunds of stamp duty land tax. This sounds like good news but there’s a sting in the tail. What’s the full story?

Refund now, check later SDLT claims

Following criticism about delays, HMRC has updated its policy for processing stamp duty land tax (SDLT) refund claims. Since 18 June it has adopted a refund now, check later policy. 

After a repayment has been made HMRC has up to nine months to carry out a compliance check if it feels one is needed. Individuals should therefore not assume that receipt of a refund means that HMRC has accepted a claim. In its latest guidance it says that if  arepayment is received where the amount claimed was not due, it must be paid back along with interest. Penalties can also apply if an error is made in a claim. This makes it all the more important to keep records to support claims.